Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What is nursing?

“Nursing is a science and art. Based on a body of knowledge and practices covering the state's of health, disease and personal transactions mediated, professional, scientific, aesthetic, ethical and policy of caring for human beings”

Nursing is an art and a science care whose essence and specificity is careful to human beings, individually, in the family or in the community so integral and holistic, developing autonomously or in a team, protection, promotion activities, prevention and recovery of health.
The knowledge that underlies the nursing care must be built at the intersection of philosophy, that answers the big question an existential human science and technology, having the formal logic as a normative correction officer and ethics, epistemological approach effectively committed to human emancipation and evolution of societies.
Florence Nightingale outlined how nursing assistance's goal to keep the person under the best possible conditions, in order that the nature can act on it.
It is bounded nursing activities to caring and clarity that there is no cure, but don't exits cure without care.

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